Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lake Monduran Qld

Instead of bolting from Kingaroy at 9am when the car service was finished, we went and got fuel and decided to give the info centre / museum a look. The museum is actually quite good, obviously with a load of peanut gallery stuff, but lots of other interesting bits and pieces as well. Oddly enough, not one word about Joh. I asked the attendants and they were quite excited about the subject; it seems that  they and others are quite keen but the committee that runs the info / museum are dead set against it. I wished them well in their upcoming endeavours to stack the committee over the next few years and overthrow them. Politics! It's a bleeding museum for the sake of pete.

Enough already, we hitched up and took a hike. Our hike took us up through Murgon, Biggennden, and then Gin Gin, which is back out on the Bruce. We finally decided that Lake Monduran needed our patronage and so here we are. The lake is formed by a dam called the Fred Haigh. One thing about Queensland; they seem to want to give every bridge / dam / toilet block / telegraph pole etc some poor sod's name. Not that the said poor sod had anything whatever to do with the aforementioned article of infrastructure, they just seem to have this need to name everything.

Anyhow, the park is lovely, well worth adding to the 'return' list, but only in winter and midweek. I don't think you'd be able to move here when the fishing / skiing mob inundate the place.

I have to mention that I retained my Putt Putt title from Airlie Beach last year by flogging Judy mercilessly, 3 shots no less!

Hope to get out early tomorrow and take some snaps for you.

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