Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Esperance WA, Bandy Bay, Cape Le Grand NP, Lucky Bay, Dolphin, Frenchmans Peak, Tanker Wharf

Esperance WA April 14, 2015
Gads, is that the sun shining? Taking advantage of the break in the weather, we headed out for a drive along the East coast from Esperance.

First stop, Bandy Bay, which is a cute little boat harbour just along at the end of the beach out the front of our park. Judy was thrilled to see the horses, they were pawing and sniffing at the water before being led off along the sand.

Bandy Bay. Esperance WA
Bandy Bay. Esperance WA
Brian at Bandy Bay. Esperance WA
Bandy Bay. Esperance WA
Bandy Bay. Esperance WA
Bandy Bay. Esperance WA

After that we went the 60km to Cape Le Grand NP, which boasts some very large rock formations, namely the Cape Le Grand mountain and Frenchman's Peak

Further in you come to Lucky Bay, at first sight, the colour of the water and sand is quite spectacular. This is one of the places where they have camping and it was pretty full with caravans and campers, mind you it was just slushy rock mud underfoot. Highlight of the day was the appearance of a pod of dolphins that we could see from our lookout. They came right into the beach and played about until returning to the deepwater.

Lucky Bay. Cape Le Grand NP WA
Dolphin. Lucky Bay. Cape Le Grand NP WA
Dolphin. Lucky Bay. Cape Le Grand NP WA
One striking feature of the park is the Frenchman's Peak, a large lump of granite with a big hole in the peak and one side with running water and bright green foliage.

Frenchman Peak. Cape Le Grand NP WA
Frenchman Peak. Cape Le Grand NP WA
Frenchman Peak. Cape Le Grand NP WA
We took lunch at Taylor's Beach Cafe, then strolled around the marina and finally, walked out along the Tanker Jetty

Contrasting leisure and industry on the water. Esperance WA
Peculiar bell-tower. Esperance WA
Tanker Wharf. Esperance WA
Tanker Wharf, end off. Esperance WA

Novel sort of compass and wind direction finder. The 'rudders are supposed to spin around and show the wind direction, except they don't move too easily. Esperance WA

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