Friday, April 10, 2015

Norseman WA, Nullarbor

Norseman WA April 10, 2015
OK, I’ve had enough of this pussy-footing about. We set out this morning from Madura with the express intention of driving the 530km to Norseman. The thing is, when your’e literally parked on the gravel next to the highway, and the sun comes up at 530 and you're fed and watered by 8, there’s is no point in hanging about. That means of course that you've done your days run of 300 or so by 1130, and there’s just no point in stopping in yet another gravel yard to watch the trucks roll by.

We pulled into the Balladonia Roadhouse at 1130 after 330km and had an early and leisurely lunch before knocking over the last 190km to Norseman by 230. 

Norseman looks a little town compared to the last few stops and half of it seems to be boarded up with old corrugated iron. Anyhow, we are a day ahead of our next scheduled booking in Esperance, so we might as well stay here, at least they have water and a shop and some ‘things’ to go and gawp at.

One thing they do have is flies, millions of the sticky little black things, and they just love aeroguard, the more you use the more they attack you.

Didn't take any snaps today, but here are a few odd road signs that might amuse, at least they are at least as amusing as noticing the subtle change in the colour of the scrub and the dirt upon which it grows.

RFDS landing strip. Nullarbor

RFDS landing strip. Nullarbor

Heaps of these, didn't see anything in 3 days, Nullarbor

Straight it may be, flat it is not. 

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