Saturday, July 6, 2024

Parkes, NSW. July 6th 2024

 Parkes, NSW.  July 6th 2024

Just visiting for the day. Started out at 8am when I went to Parkrun out at the North Parkes Sports grounds. At least this year it wasn't a howling gale as well as freezing. Managed a 1 minute PB so it's all good!

We had a good breakfast in town at the "Deja Brew" cafe, which became packed as the locals came into town. Good start to the day. We then went looking for the info place, found it, the one with the Steam Locomotive, but it's not the one anymore.

Old 3075, parked up at Parkes, NSW

They have a new one further up the road, much bigger and includes an Elvis collection, a vintage car museum, a replica of Moat Cottage where Henry Parkes was born, (Birmingham, England) a Henry Parkes Museum and an Antique Machinery collection.

"Elvis" by John Murray. Parkes, NSW

We happily paid the $10 each have a look at the Elvis display and the cars. Most of the Elvis display belongs to Greg Wiggle, who turns out to be an Elvis tragic. Interesting video interview with him and Glen A Baker talking to an Elvis insider, best friend and road manager Joe Esposito. 

Part of the Greg Page, Kings Castle collection. Parkes NSW

Last thing of interest in Parkes was this photo of the Parkes telescope since its conversion to full Super conducting high-intensity LCDs, in the name of power conservation... 

Telescope, Parkes NSW
Image from Parkes Visitors Centre

Those Martians must have thought us so backward not to have done this years ago. fancy using radio waves, how quaint.

Just for fun, and to scratch an itch I've had for a while, we detoured back to Forbes via Bogan Gate. There is evidence to suggest that my great-grandmother came from out this way and was connected with the Nebungalo Homestead, which was out between Parkes and Bogan Gate. 

Now brace yourselves for a run past Bogan Gate.....



Bogan Gate, NSW

Did you blink? The attraction is that it has a huge grain silo next to the railway line. I apologise to any Bogan Gaterians that may read this, I'm sure it's a delightful place to live and work, just that there's not much of it. Cheers!

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