Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rockhampton Qld August 10, 2024

 Rockhampton Qld August 10, 2024

Before we left Sarina, we drove back up to Mackay so I could do a Parkrun. Actually the third time I've done this, although the course has been changed this year, and for the better I’d say. Didn’t beat my PB from 2021 but came mighty close.

After breakfast we packed and headed to Rockhampton, some 300km away. As opposed to previous years, the Mighty Bruce is in pretty good condition. I think we saw one roadwork in the entire length. Bit bumpy in some areas but basically not so bad.

Bit of a surprise at the caravan park, we’ve been shuffled up to the other end, which we didn’t even know existed. Its OK though, just different from our previous visits. Mind you, the main train line is about 10 metres on the other side of the back fence and the big long freight trains are a wee bit noisy as first the engines roar and groan past and then the hundred or so carriages clunk and clank over the gaps in the rails. Oh, here’s one now, you can tell from the mighty fog-horn blast as they come over the railway crossing. Every time. Surprising how often that is!

Tropic of Capricorn. Rockhampton Qld

Sunday morning we dragged ourselves out of bed and wandered downtown, or at least to the old central part of town, which in its hay day was a bustling sea port. The wharves went in 1967 and the whole area fell into decay, but has now been tarted up and is quite a pleasant place to stroll around. We came across this grand old stone building, once the home of the Queensland National Bank, back in 1880, but now a really delightful cafe called the Riveston Tea Rooms. Naturally we had to sample the fare just to make sure it was OK. Which it was, I'm pleased to say.

Riveston Tea Rooms. Rockhampton Qld

Riveston Tea Rooms. Rockhampton Qld

One time bustling Port of Rockhampton on the Fitzroy River

Customs House. Rockhampton Qld

OMG it's an Art Work. Rockhampton Qld

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