Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kakadu, NT

Up early, 6am, for the sunrise billabong cruise. Even though we did this cruise, during the day, last year, it was still a very pleasant way to spend a few hours and learn a bit more about the flora and fauna from our well informed tour guide. Highlight had to be the new female croc in the pond who took quite an interest in our boat, swimming out to us and hanging about, probably looking for a feed! The guide reckoned it was new up from the salt water as its colourings were quite bright and not yet covered in algae.

We also came across Boss Croc in whose pond we were sailing. The guides and rangers keep telling everyone how crocodiles learn human (and other animal) behaviour prior to making a strike. Such things as putting a boat in the river every day at the same time, checking lobster pots everyday at the same time, walking their favourite 4 legged food along the river bank every day at the same time etc. Now it strikes us as odd that given that behaviour, they continue to load 5 boatloads of tourists at the same jetty, seven times a day, seven days a week...

After the cruise we were treated to a full hot breakfast (all 200+ of us) which was pretty yum.

When that had settled we drove down to Maguk Falls, which is 10km down a dirt road and then a bit of a hike belong the river which is bedecked with 'no swim' signs and at the end there is a nice waterfall and a really nice big, deep cool pool. What the hell, everyone else is in and splashing about and it was so hot, one couldn't resist, could one?

Snap, snap, snap, just look at them snappers...

Boss Croc. Yellow Waters Billabong, Kakadu, NT

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