Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cooinda, NT

Drove the longest 165km ever this morning but finally made it into Kakadu NP and our camp site at Gagudju Lodge. At first we thought the site was awful as its the first one on the end of a row and is the corner of the dirt road. Also, no shade at all. You look around and think, 'What about that site? or that one?' Being good little campers we set up shop and made ourselves some shade with our awning and both of the privacy screens. The other sites are filling up and some of them are quite cramped. Maybe ours is Ok after all!

Most of the tours are already full for the next 4 days so we had to take the groundsman's advice and try one that the glossy brochures appear to have 'disappeared' for. That's one drawback to these places, they own everything and don't tell you about other stuff that may be available, just shrug and say, 'Sorry, booked out'. No matter that you've come a damn long way to be here, they just don't care as long as the buses go out full every day. So some advice, book your tours when you book your site.

Anyhow, we found the smaller of the two pools that the kids haven't claimed as their own and had a swim and a nap and another swim. There is a short walk down to the Home Billabong, and the entire way is festooned with signs about crocodiles. As the billabong is only 100 metres from the first lodges, it makes you wonder just how far up they come looking for a tasty snack.

Snap free day to day, you lucky sods.

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