Monday, July 8, 2013

Victoria RIver, NT

Drove east into a strong headwind for two hours before it finally abated and allowed us to cruise into Victoria River, 325 of the 505 km from Kununurra to Katherine. Last time we drove it both ways in one stint but it’s just too far, and I fancied a stay at the Roadhouse. It’s one of the ‘find yourself a spot’ places, which means you wander about all over the place until you choose one.

We plumped for one up near the loos, mostly because it was closer than some we’ve had, and it was also the flattest looking bit of the paddock.

I wandered of along the main road and took some snaps of the bridge and the river. Walked across the new bridge and back across the old one. The new one was only opened in 2009 which might explain why the road is as good as it is. Took some snaps of what I thought to be crocodile prints, so where is it now?

One thing though, it’s hot: 32 in the shade.

West bound from Victoria River, NT

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