Monday, July 8, 2013

Pine Creek via Edith Falls, NT

That time zone shift of 1 ½ hours! Woke up at 8am! Anyhow, staggered out and hopped into the 195km to Katherine, ran over a greeny yellow snake in the middle of the road, which I am not happy about, did some shopping, drank some coffee and headed north, with a detour to Edith Falls. Narrowly avoided a near disaster as some lunatic overtook us across double unbroken lines around a blind corner, pushing the van ahead of us off the road to get back in in the nick of time. Mustn’t have seen the signs announcing the overtaking lane 2km ahead. Also came across the remains of a van or some such strewn along a few hundred metres of road side where it had destroyed itself.

Got into Edit Falls, which we had heard it was beautiful, fantastic etc etc, but it’s just a big pool with a bit of water splashing in over in the distance. Did I mention it was hot again? Highlight of the day was some bikini clad European girl getting out of the pool and then getting very excited in some incomprehensible tongue about something that she saw near her towel. Thought it might have been a salty, but no, just some harmless looking, brightly coloured snake… 
I mumbled something about 'it's probably not dangerous, or it could be a taipan (it wasn't)' but added, 'don't worry, they're only the 2nd most deadly snake in the world, and besides, you'll have about 2 minutes to think about it after it bites' 

Couldn’t be bothered with the 4.5 km walk to the ‘Top Pool’ and uncharacteristically, I wasn’t interested in a swim and so we pushed on up to Pine Creek, which is just as well as we grabbed the last useable spot in the van park. We had a swim in their pool instead, which was reasonably un-cold, and I later went out and poked around the remains of the old town. It’s claim to fame was gold, and then the overland telegraph, and the Darwin – Adelaide railway and then a hospital for the AIM (go on, look it up, try ‘Flynn’). Anyhow, they have some of the old stuff still laying about and I took a few snaps for your edification.
Main Northern Line, up until 1979. Pine Creek, NT

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