Sunday, July 13, 2014

Darwin NT

Wow. Highlight of the week. We went to the movies. Not just any old movies but the World famous Deckchair Movies. Run by the local movie appreciation society, the Deckchair Theatre is an open-air arrangement with deck chairs for seating (well duh). We were going to the late Saturday Night screening of the latest thing to hit the big screen: The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The instructions were to get there about 9pm for a 930 start. We we arrived the queue was long, by the time they opened the 'in' gate it was reallllly long. As you go in, you get to grab a cushion and then find a sling-back piece of canvas to call home. At first you think that its the worst thing you've ever plonked your bum into, and go grab another cushion in direct contravention of the 'cushion etiquette' messages. They had a handy kiosk set up and we grabbed a pinot noir and a bagga-chips to see us through.

The movie was ok i guess, i wouldn't go running back to see it again, and the end is 'odd'. The look on the audience faces as they stood up said it all and you could just about touch the '??????' floating through the air. What was it about? What was the end about? Why did we see this movie? Why didn't we leave an hour ago? That sort of thing.

On the upside, the chairs turned out to be passably comfortable with two cushions, the open air setting was good and the sound quality superb.

Today we did very little: filled the truck up with diesel, went to the Nightcliff Market, drank coffee at McD's, took a look around Lee Point and Casuarina, went to a nursery, went to 'the biggest dress shop' and then after lunch, flopped by the pool.

The nursery in question is the Allora, which promotes itself pretty heavily so we thought a look would be good. They have a range of tropical plants of course and range of other 'stuff' one finds at nurseries these days. Didn't smack you on the head and scream 'special' though. We found the fire-pit (plough-share and 3 legs) at $395 and the plastic crocodile at a shade under 3 grand a bit rich and thought we opt out before the real-life sharks found us!

Anyhow, not much doing up n here in the top end, still nice and warm and sunny though, so it's all good.

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