Friday, July 11, 2014

Darwin NT


Another peaceful relaxed day in the big smoke that is Darwin. I'm still walking for an hour every morning, which means breakfast is at 9, then a bit of a fiddle bout reading books, doing cryptic crosswords and the like before a stroll around this fairly large park. By the time we got back to the van it was either an early lunch or go for a swim. We chose the latter and we were rewarded with an empty pool and plenty of deck chairs. Had a lovely swim and then came back for a chicken and chip sandwich.

Full of food, the afternoon reading session became a snooze. Wide awake now, we went over to Nightcliff pool for a proper swim. Gosh, i can still do 500m and not drown.

Called in to Casuarina shops for a coffee and some groceries. We went to the ubiquitous coffee thing in the middle of the alley, ordered and sat down ready for a relaxed 1/2 hour reading 10 day old newspapers. But wait. No, they packed the entire shop up around us and left us sitting out in the middle of the floor like shags on a rock.

Grabbed a few things from the food emporium and headed back to the van for a late evening meal and a glass of vino. Or 2.

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