Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Darwin NT

What a lazy old life we lead.

Highlight of the day was that by the time i got back from my beach meanderings, 7 vans had pulled out from all around us. By the time we had breakfast, all the spots were full again.

Went out to Nightcliffe to check out the pool and had a look at the jetty we didn't remember anything about, right next to the pool.

We were heading to the Art Gallery and Museum for lunch when we got side-tracked into the Nightcliffe village and had lunch at The Grotto. I had a chicken, leek and mushroom pie with potato salad and garden salad and it was all i could do to finish it, Mind you at $50 for a cafe lunch for two, there was no way anything was being left on the plate!

At 3pm we joined the crew going aboard the amphibious duck for a run around the city and then into the harbour for a run up the coast. All with commentary and very relaxing.

Nightcliff. Darwin NT

Nightcliff. Darwin NT

Nightcliff. Darwin NT

Original entrance to All Souls Cathedral. Darwin NT

Dont laugh! This and a few others just as bad were installed to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday.  Darwin NT

The old, the modern and the yet to be determined.  Darwin NT

Definitely old, Original building of Palmerston.  Darwin NT

Quack Quack! All aboard the daffy duck for a duck-about tour.  Darwin NT

Kids learning how to sail, very brightly.  Darwin NT

Alas poor Croc, I knew him not.  Darwin NT

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