Thursday, June 12, 2014

Agnes Waters / 1770 Qld

Slid up the road to Agnes Waters, which is a tiny coastal town right next to a few houses next to where Lieutenant James Cook landed on May 24 1770, called 1770. Cook and his mates thought it would be a lark to take another look at Terra Australis before they set sail for Olde Englande. So they pulled in, rowed ashore and clambered to the top of the hill and had a look around.

Actually, they were just filling in time while the tars filled the freshwater barrels for the upcoming journey.Cook named the place Bustard Bay after the meal of baked bustard they enjoyed, today we call it 1770 after his visit.

Our van park is right on the beach at Agnes Waters, i even went for a swim or two. the water is just about right temperature wise, the waves not big, just my speed really.

later on we went around to 1770 and had a drink in Cook's honour at The Tree hotel, right on the edge of the bay.

Here's a snap or 2 from the bar:

Is that the Endeavour parked over there, the one with the mast?

Pretty nice place for a picnic

Pretty ordinary monument

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful spot that I eventually visited on the bike after driving past on the Bruce many times. So glad I did. The sense of history about the place was strong.
