Monday, June 30, 2014

Banka Banka / Mataranka NT

No post yesterday, Banka is one of those lovely places where they don't have power, phones or internet (and definitely no freddos, still looking).

What they do have is peace and quiet, the best natural spring water in copious amounts and a lovely 2km walk to their own billabong. The billabong was much fuller than last year and naturally some snaps were taken:

Cudjenbra Billabong, Banka Banka NT

It's not what you think! My shirt was donated to make a nice little cushion for someone with blistered bleeding feet, dodgy knees and a hip quickly freezing up! Cudjenbra Billabong, Banka Banka NT 

Cudjenbra Billabong, Banka Banka NT 

Move Over! I'm coming round! Banka Banka NT

Banka Banka NT

The top of the ridge trail to the 'bong. Not for the faint hearted! Banka Banka NT

Banka Banka NT

Everything looks better by moonlight. Banka Banka NT
But wait, there's more....
Up and at it early today, got a long way to go. Pulled out at 8am and drove north for 2 1/2 hours, pulling in to Dunmarra Road House for a refuel and a coffee and snack.

We’ve been here before, but the food supply seems to have gone off, all they had was instant type coffee from a machine and two egg & bacon toasties, which we ate with gusto. Well i did anyway, driving with a buffeting wind on your back quarter can be tiring at best.

We were just sipping the last of the coffee when a truck driving looking fellow approached the machine and started to fill up his take-away mug. We put 2 & 2 together and figured he was from the dirty great road train parked out the front pointing north. We bolted for the door and got on the road first, and had a really good run for the last 210km leg up into Mataranka. Using our local knowledge, we got onto 'our' site, No10, which is probably the best in the park, booked our spot for dinner in the restaurant (they grow their own barramundi) and headed for the Bitter Springs spa.

Ah, two hours in lovely warm water floating down and walking back. Fabulous. Might sneak another one in early tomorrow!


  1. We loved the springs there, meeting a fabulous couple that we subsequently travelled most of the way around Aus with and afterwards regularly holidayed together.

  2. Yair, I reckon we need some in the foothills of the Bullen Ranges, just need a nuclear reactor to keep the water hot!


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