Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Queenscliff Vic, Point Lonsdale, Barwon Heads

Ah, what a difference a little spot of sunshine and an indoor heated swimming pool can make!

The van park has the said pool, and a spa as well, so we've made good use of both of those. Today we toured down to Point Lonsdale which is the southernmost headland of Port Philip Bay and where the 'Rip' is that threatens every bit of shipping that passes through, then out to Barwon Heads, which apart from being the setting for the TV Series Seachange a hundred years ago, is a very pretty spot indeed. We took some coffee and read the papers at the Cafe On The Heads, wandered about and relaxed.

We came back to Queenscliff, intentions of having a look around Fort Queenscliff, only to find that the sign outside which stated amongst other things that there was a tour at one o'clock, really meant that the only time one could visit was at that time and with the tour guide. It seems that the place is still used by Defence for some reason or other and entry is restricted.

Oh, well, back to the shops and replenish the cupboards and have some lunch. We then went back to the lookout at Queenscliff to watch the boats come and go, see the Pilots being ferried in and out and generally laze about next to the ocean for an hour or so.

Lighthouse. Point Lonsdale Vic

Setting for Seachange the TV show. Barwon Heads Vic

Cafe on The Heads. Barwon Heads Vic

Judy.  Barwon Heads Vic

Fort Queenscliff. Queenscliff Vic

Turn right. next stop Tasmania!  Queenscliff Vic

Ships passing in the Rip.  Queenscliff Vic


  1. Hello! I am just wondering if you are able to tell me where exactly the blue sign post is with Arthur's seat, sorrento, portsea..? I know it's queenscliff but I was driving around there all day to find it? Haha

  2. Hello Stephanie, the signpost is right near the "White" lighthouse in Queenscliff, or at least it was in 2014. Happy hunting!


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