Monday, March 30, 2015

Adelaide SA, Moana SA, City of Adelaide, Henley SA, Queen Mary II

Adelaide March 30 2015

Ah, a rest day. Didn't bother getting up until late. Ate a  late breakfast, wandered down to Brighton and wandered around the pier and beach and coffee shops (they have about 20 that we could see in the near vicinity). Had a nice coffee and an uninspiring bun with apple init. Judy reckons her Vanilla slice was ok, not quite Beechworth standard but okay nonetheless.

From the pier we could see a big boat on the horizon, just coming out of Port Adelaide, which must be 20km north. It has to be the QM2.
Pier. Brighton SA
Pier. Brighton SA
Sculptures.  Brighton SA
Later on after we had driven further down south to look at the beaches such as Seaford and Moana, we could see it much closer on the horizon, so i zoomed in and grabbed a few snaps. I had to digitally zoom in on these to get the picture shown, and isn't it odd, it looks like a mirage at sea, the row of lifeboats appears to be mirrored and the boat looks as if its above the water. Very strange.

Queen Mary II. Brighton SA
After lunch we turned north, I just had to have another look at the clipper ship, the City of Adelaide, but we stopped at Henley beach on the way and took a few more snaps.

Pier. Henley SA
Pier. Henley SA
City of Adelaide. Port Adelaide SA

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