Friday, April 17, 2015

Hayden WA, Wave rock, sunset

Hayden WA April 17, 2015
(Wave Rock to be precise)

Didn't take too much to tear us away from Esperance, even though the sky was a cloudless clear blue and it looked like it was going to be a cracker of a day. We headed west toward Albany, but turned of at Ravensthorpe after a coffee and raisin toast. Mind you, they had to duck out the side door and run up to the next shop to get some raisin bread to make the toast, but we didn't care, we were just sitting in the lovely sunshine and watching all the road trains rumble by. They are very big on the double and triple trucks on this road, lots of ore and gypsum and grains being taken to railheads and ports for shipping. It’s interesting that they dont appear to have set trucks for set places, each truck seems to go wherever it thinks the best loading is to be had. Mind you, that might be a 200k round trip for nothing if the silo has cut-out or the mine has stopped mining.

The minor road up from Ravensthorpe, through Lake King and Varley to Hyden was probably better than the much vaunted Highway 1 upon which we had be travelling.

We made it into Hyden at 2pm, the 2nd or 3rd into the park, closely followed by hoards of other vans. We hd to go up to town (1 shop, 1 hotel, 1 railway station) for a few things (champagne mostly), but then we were able to go for the short walk up to the world famous Wave Rock. We took some snaps, just for you

Me playing the fool. Wave Rock. Hayden WA
Wave Rock. Hayden WA
Further back around is the rock formation known as Hippos Yawn:
Hippos yawn. Wave Rock. Hayden WA
And for good measure we snapped this nice little green bird
Australian ring-necked lorikeet. Wave Rock. Hayden WA
Judy also snapped these casuarina cones on macro, nice
Casuarina cones. Wave Rock. Hayden WA
I went up to the top of the rock hoping for a spectacular sunset, but found some rock pools and some lovely lumps and bumps for the light to play with
Wave Rock. Hayden WA 
Wave Rock. Hayden WA 
Wave Rock. Hayden WA
Wave Rock. Hayden WA
Sunset. Wave Rock. Hayden WA

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