Sunday, May 29, 2016

Forbes NSW - May 29, 2016

Forbes May 29 2016

Day one and heading out for Darwin again. Had the normal run through to Boorowa where we made stop for lunch and a ‘visit’ to the local conveniences. Then up through the beautiful bit of country to Cowra, turn left, turn right and out across more river plains country to Forbes.

Thought we’d try the Big 4 this time through and it’s a seems a really nice van park. I feel right at home in Forbes; as well I might as my mother is recorded as having been born in this very street, Flint Street, but I have no idea where, and her mother was born just outside of town at a property called Yarragong. I have not been able to find such a place in my searches, so I’ll probably drive right by it on our way out tomorrow.

Back on the road again....

Cheers all, Brian & Judy

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