Monday, July 29, 2019

Charters Towers Qld 28/29 July 2019

Charters Towers Qld 28/29 July 2019

The only highlight to break the uneventful run up from Clermont was a few hundred head of cattle grazing the long paddock, attended only by two dogs, a jilleroo and the drover, both on horseback. One could hardly believe ones eyes as you are cruising up the Gregory Highway at 103kph: you can see them but not believe that it could be real. How could the road be completely blocked by a bunch of cows? It's bad enough to have random cows grazing on the side of the road, or a bunch of 'roos (15 was my count) bouncing leisurely across in front of you. The rule is to  slow right down obviously and then to just drive forward slowly and expect them to just get out of the way. Having been given a friendly hurry up on the two-way I started to move through them, but my 'slow' was too slow for Mr B-Double Driver who came past us a bit faster, so we just tucked in behind him and let him clear a path. And then followed him for 60km to Belyando Crossing...

'Beware of Cows' the sign should have said, if only they had bothered with a sign!

After setting up for the night we tried to do some shopping, but hadn't counted on it being Sunday afternoon when everything is closed. Back at the van park I was silly enough to go and have a swim in the pool. It's 27 here, but the pool is only 20 odd, so it is cold. Not snap-frozen cold, but cold enough to really be looking forward to getting out! Later we sat and watched the Magpies, three local singers, sing their way through and hour's worth of rock and roll, as they have done every time we've been here. Quite an enjoyable way to finish the day.

Today we went to the show, which was memorable in that it had a huge 'carnival' content and a not so huge area for the country things such as horses, cows, tractors and the like. We sat and watched the show jumping for a while before sliding out back to the park for lunch. Later we went for fuel, bought ice creams and went down to look at the Burdekin Weir.

Show time. Charters Towers Qld

JB checking out her next sports car! Charters Towers Qld

Show jumping. Charters Towers Qld

The weir, Burdekin River, Charters Towers Qld

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